Welcome to the Space Training Academy!

The Sky is NOT your limit anymore!

Welcome to the exciting world of space training!

Thanks to commercial spaceflight companies, it is now possible for private citizens to purchase a ticket to space.

Are you ready?

Or do you still have to prepare your body and mind for this "next level" journey?

Maybe you first want to find out more about what space travel feels like.

Even if you have no intention of travelling to space but you are looking for an exciting experience: you have come

to the right place.

How it works

Our "Space Training" is made up of different modules. The modules are discussed with you personally in advance and are


 The complete package "Private Astronaut Training" contains all the individual modules.

Discover our training options below:


Private Astronaut

A professional tailor made programme to prepare
you for space travel

Astrophysicist, airline pilot and founder of the Space Training Academy Nancy Vermeulen is your main space instructor.

She will prepare you physically and mentally for your first space flight.

In collaboration with the Delft University of Technology and Desdemona Simulator Soesterberg, we have developed a unique training programme catered to the needs of the first-time space traveller.


Space Training

As close as you can get to space
without actually going

Not every student at our academy is an aspiring astronaut. Maybe you want to simulate the experience to decide whether you want to purchase a ticket to space.

Or you have no intention of ever going to space, but want to try a zero-gravity flight or space simulation.

Maybe you just want to learn all there is to know about space.

With our different modules, you can choose and combine the items that appeal to you.

You can find more information about the Space Training Academy in our mission statement.

Did you know that our founder Nancy Vermeulen also offers space-inspired keynotes, masterclasses and strategic leadership advise?

Nancy Vermeulen Executive Coach

Why Space Training?

Astronauts that fly up into space and marvel down at the earth, say that they are never the same person again after that. They experience what is called the “overview effect”.

The evolution you go through as a person is literally a point of no return. Do you also want to get a taste of what it’s like to be a space traveller?

Contact us for more info and an intake interview.

Overview Effect

"The impact of commercial space travel has the potential to transform our lives on Earth, breaking boundaries that have constrained economic and cultural growth since time began."


What customers say about the training:

"I thoroughly enjoyed this exceptional course and recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who wants to feel like a private astronaut!"

